Tag Archives: kids


27 Jul

Hey there Amber Omega friends…

just a little reminder that I’ve moved out of this space over to

The Unconventional Doctor’s Wife.

But just in case you haven’t had time to hop over there, here is a little recap of what I wrote this week:

10 Reasons I should quit blogging

What {not} to write in your kid’s baby book

#iwantmypantiesback {my day in hashtags}

Christianese Sucks*

Beyond {and my dog issues}

hope to see you over there!

Authenically yours,



Facebook Free Summer

8 Jun

Ok, people…here goes nothing.

I have decided that this summer…

I am going Facebook free.

I’m sure that sounds a bit dramatic or maybe a little cheesy…  but it’s for reals and it’s what I need to do.  If you’re wondering why, let me explain… (and if you’re not wondering you can skip down to the end or read along for fun. Oh, and let me just say that these are pretty embarrassing to admit and I really debated about explaining why,  but as I try to be transparent and true to myself I knew that I must)…


1) Time Killer: FB is one of my biggest distractions. Told ya, embarrassing to admit.  But whether it’s hopping on the laptop to check in with one of the groups I’m part of or see what friends are up to, 30 minutes to an hour can pass by in no time. Not to mention how frequently I have missed the amazing cannon balls and underwater flips my kids have asked to watch as I quickly peek at Facebook on my phone while we are at the pool. There are plenty of things calling for attention and FB and my phone are not ones that need my time.  I have my four littles at home with me this summer and those are the important things that really do need my time.

2) Creativity & Confidence Squasher: That sounds kinda weird, but let me explain. I am part of a few groups on Facebook from some art classes & workshops I have taken. They all have been amazing!  And through them I have met wonderful, creative, talented women. It has been an awesome community to be a part of. The problem is, I realize that I have spent more time on Facebook looking at what everyone is creating than creating anything myself.  I see what they make and what they are doing and then start to feel like a loser for not being “as good” or “as this” or “as that.” Also, I’ve had the situation where I will see something someone else created or did that I have actually thought about doing… but once I see theirs, I think to myself that I now shouldn’t make that or do that because it no longer seems like an original idea and/or i don’t want it to appear like I have copied someone else.  I am probably over thinking it, but it’s how it makes me feel. There are so many images shared online and I need to just step away and be inspired by the “real world” around me.  Does that make sense?

3) Emotion Feeder, Perspective Snatcher & Validation Deceiver:  This is tough to admit out loud. But it’s the truth. Looking on Facebook can stir emotions in me that I really do not care for. My insecure self  (which is also affected by the Creativity & Confidence Squasher) appears and starts feeling things like self-doubt, jealousy, and self-pity…which turns into sadness, frustration, irritation, and anger.  Feeling these things and comparing myself and my situation to others can cause me to lose perspective. I forget that I am living my story, not someone else’s.

And the last one and most embarrassing to confess … Facebook isn’t where I should be looking to receive acknowledgement and validation. My worth should not be wrapped up if x amount of people “like” my post or comment on my picture…whether so and so accepted my friend request or not. Sadly, and tough to admit, I know I have used it to feel known. Maybe it’s because most of my days are spent with four kids under 10 years old and I don’t get out much by myself or with other friends (or at all!). Maybe not. But, I know I’ve used it as a place to feel like I actually exist in this world.  And if I am not on FB, I have had the thoughts…will people forget about me? …will they miss me? I know it’s silly, and especially as I type it out, it seems so ridiculous. But there it is…it’s me.


This summer, I want to be

silent – no FB noise

still – slowed down,  to think & listen

surrendered – completely trusting

I want to spend more time




taking adventures

making memories


I want to LIVE in REAL LIFE.

So, I’m signing off of the social network.

Part of me doesn’t want to, but the other part knows I need to.

I want my family to have the best of me this summer.

I want me to have the best of me, too.


{and if you miss me on FB, you can visit me here on this blog}




birthday pARTy!

2 Jun

I had the privilege of having five 7 year old little girls over this morning for a birthday pARTy!

A few months ago I donated this basket and along with a 2 hour art class for 5 little girls for the silent auction at my daughters’ school.

The lucky little girl who won the basket used the art class as her birthday pARTy with four of her friends.

I showed them how to create this canvas

and they were AMAZING little artists!

My pictures of their canvases didn’t turn out very well, but I was amazed how quickly they caught on and how creative they were. Each canvas had it’s own personal touch. I think the girls were pretty happy with their creations. I know I was! I had such a fun time with them and am thinking I want to celebrate more birthdays this way. Anyone else want to have their pARTy in my basement “studio” with me? Just tell me when and I’ll be there 🙂

Summer is here already? {yay & yikes!}

23 May

Tomorrow is my girls’ last day of school! I kinda can’t believe how fast the school year went.  I have been looking forward to this day for a while now…well, mostly looking forward to sleeping in, swimming, having all four kids home together, hanging out with my daughters, sleeping in.  But as it is quickly approaching, I am also starting to fear that…I won’t be able to sleep in (thanks to my 2 year old), my kids getting sunburned at the pool, all four kids home together, my daughters’ constant fighting, and that I won’t be able to sleep in.

I am realizing that I need to be a little better prepared for the days ahead. Most of the time I am a “fly by the seat of your pants” kind of girl, but sometimes that just doesn’t work out so well around here. If I’m not proactive, the day can go south real fast…whining, fighting…which turns into mom yelling {or hiding in the bathroom}…you know what I’m talking about.

So I’ve been trying to brainstorm a little to see what we can do this summer. I’m not gonna get all gung-ho about keeping them busy 24/7, because we need a little lazy around here…that’s what summer is all about, right?

So far this is what I’ve got:

Source: google.com via Amy on Pinterest


Reading: yup, just cause they are out of school, I ain’t gonna let ’em get totally stupid. Maybe just a little. And as great as it sounds to be part of the library reading program, I am such a slacker mom that I never actually take my kids to turn the paper in to receive the big prize: a plastic medal and a coupon for french fries. Um, no thanks.

Source: flickr.com via Brian on Pinterest


Creating & Art: I recently turned our basement into a little art studio and every supply is easily accessible {still shocked my 2 year old hasn’t poured paint everywhere}! I have been coming up with some little projects my girls can do, in case i get the “but mooommm, I don’t know what to make…” I’ve tried to record some little tutorials on the computer for them showing them how to do some of the things since it’s difficult to do that type of thing when little West is around, but so far, I’ve recorded them without audio. I stink at computer stuff.  But anyway, hopefully, something will spark their little creative minds and get them working again.

Source: lilluna.com via Bessie on Pinterest


Lemonade Stand: I know at some point they will ask for this or that and I’m sure I’ll hear that they really really need such & such. So, if they want it, they can buy it…with their own money. We’ve got a great little lemonade stand and a neighborhood pool that will bring them some great business 🙂


Catching Fireflies: Who doesn’t love doing this?! It’s one of my most favorite things about summer! Plus, my mason jar obession will be put to great use.


So that is about all I’ve got so far. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Please keep in mind that it’s HOT & humid here in the summer. So outdoor activities are only good in the early morning or at night {except that’s when the mosquitoes are out}.  And nothing right in the middle of the day, cause my kids get BURNED, thanks to their father’s fair skin. We still have a napper and a half, so it’s best we are home by 1pm or else mama may go crazy by 5pm. Oh, and I’m paranoid about ticks this year too. So limit the hiking/playing in grassy fields suggestions. Other than that…would love to hear what you’re doing!

Oh, and a diet suggestion that can help me lose 20 pounds by this weekend would be much appreciated? Thanks!



our family of 3 {for just one night}

27 Mar

Hayden had a pretty nasty work schedule at the beginning of the month. He was gone before the kids were up in the morning and didn’t get home till after they were in bed. Because I saw him every night, it didn’t register that the kids hadn’t really seen him much.

One night after he came home and was getting something to eat, our littlest one,  started yelling from his crib, “Ma!…Ma!…Ma!” I had put him to bed at least 15 minutes before so I had no idea why he was up still.

Hayden said, “Go get him so I can see him. Just let him play for a bit.”

Usually I would not be down with that, but for some reason, it sounded kind of fun. So I ran upstairs to get my little dude.

The three of us hung out for an hour in the family room. It was felt so funny. I don’t know the last time the three of us had been alone together. West thought it was the greatest thing. He had mom and dad all to himself.

He decided to make us some food.

Then he decided to roll Hot Wheels under the chair.

Then he played with cars on a track.

Water break.

Then he tried to cuddle with Daisy.

But she’s not a huge fan of West.

Then he wanted me to take a picture of his blankie, Tate.

then it was off to bed.

It was a sweet hour with just us three.

Oh, and Daisy too.